ElevenReader Publishing

Bring your story to life

Transform your writing into a professional-grade audiobook on the ElevenReader app—at zero-cost and ready in minutes.

Convert your writing into immersive audiobooks

Less than 5% of books are released as audiobooks. Now you can upload your text, preview with the perfect voice, and share your audiobook on the ElevenReader app.

The fastest way to publish your audiobook

The audiobook industry is ready for a change. ElevenReader Publishing is the fastest, zero-cost way to create and distribute immersive audio for your book.

Go direct with your audiobook

Launch your audiobook to hundreds of thousands of listeners globally on the ElevenReader iOS and Android app.

Upgrade for a premium suite with Studio

With ElevenLabs Studio, you'll get tools to design and assign multiple voices, edit pronunciations, export high-quality audio files, and publish to Findaway Voices by Spotify.

The easiest way to create your audiobook

We redesigned the audiobook publishing experience from start to finish.

  • Earn your share with ElevenLabs

    Get $1.10 per listener who plays your audiobook for at least 11 minutes during our introductory program. *Currently available to US residents only.

  • Get in-depth audience insights

    See the full picture of your listener engagement so you can improve your work with in-depth reporting.

  • Hear your work in many voices

    Preview your book with the perfect voice and submit for distribution on the ElevenReader app.

Produced with the highest-quality voice AI

Choose from thousands of AI voices that respond to emotional cues in your text for remarkably natural-sounding narration. We partner with voice actors and paid out more than $1 million in voice actor compensation last year.



Unlike anything you have heard before

(Coming soon) Available in 32 languages

Publish your translated texts into audiobooks for listeners around the world.

Ready in minutes

Forget days in the recording studio. Your audio is ready in minutes.

No-hassle distribution

Write, publish, and relax. We'll take care of distribution, refunds, and support.

Your work, your IP rights

Maintain your IP with no exclusivity restrictions. You wrote the book, we'll help you share it with audio.

Release new versions

Update your audiobooks immediately and whenever you have new revisions

Human-friendly publishing terms

We provide simple publishing terms you can actually understand.

Why authors love ElevenReader Publishing

I've written over 65 books in my career. ElevenReader transforms my written works into lifelike audio—letting me make more audio stories available and giving listeners a truly unique experience.

Joseph Nassise

New York Times Best-Selling Author

ElevenReader has brought my books to life, increased the number of people discovering my stories, and increased my sales.

Leeanna Morgan

USA Today Best-Selling Author

I was initially skeptical about AI audiobooks. After testing ElevenLabs’ quality, my doubts vanished. I have been exceptionally pleased with the result. If you're serious about audiobooks, do yourself a favor, take action now, and start with ElevenLabs.

E.S. Martell

Award-Winning Science Fiction Author

I was shocked by how easy it was to publish an audiobook on ElevenReader. It's 10x easier than Amazon, plus the quality of the voices is incredible.

Luke T.

Managing Editor of Old Book New

Having my book on the ElevenReader App has introduced my work to a new audience. I have been enjoying hearing my book come to life.

Claire Miller

Independent Author

Get to Know Us

About ElevenLabs

ElevenLabs is an AI audio research and deployment company based in London and New York City. Our mission is to make content universally accessible in any language and in any voice.

Publish your audiobook in minutes, on your terms.

✓ Join a community of innovative authors

✓ No cost to publish to ElevenReader

✓ Tutorials & learning resources

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